Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Text mode!

Progress Report:

  1. I am able to initiate a connection from my iPad to Wifly to the CAN232.
  2. Bidirectional data flows
  3. Raw CAN Data is being saved to a file on iPad
  4. CAN data parser has been ported!
  5. Text data is being displayed on my iPad as I get data from Wifly<-CAN232!
  6. Implemented playback so the previously saved data can be played back on iPad(still text mode).


  1. Create a circular gauge that I can use
  2. Display the parsed CAN data on circular gauge rather than using label as text.

Link to Dropbox : Playback on iPad Simulator  (still text mode).
Link to Dropbox : Playback on my old Windows App (all done in c# years ago) :)

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Not much progress...  So far, I can connect to WiFly and record from my PC but not from iPad...
Video below is from an app I wrote more than 2 years ago to playback the data I recorded several days ago.   Yes, I know...  It is ugly... :) But the entire thing was written using C# and no photoshop was involved...  iPad version will not be this ugly... hopefully of course... :)

Wow!  Video compression made this even uglier!!!!